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Bioptic eye surgery in Hyderabad

Bioptics eye surgery in Hyderabad is a term used to when multiple modalities are used to correct the refractive error in an individual This is usually a scenario in very high refractive error which cannot be corrected by single modality or some diseases which require multi-modality approach to complete.

Following are few scenarios

  1. Keratoconus : INTACS+ CXL followed by ICL
  2. Corneal scars : PRK followed by cataract surgery
  3. Very high myopia with early cataract: MICS with Multifocal implantation followed PRK to correct residual refractive errors.

Before going ahead with BIOPTICS your eye doctors in banjara hills shall explain you the scenario and advise the best possible combination of modalities suitable to your eye to correct the refractive error at bioptic eye surgery hospitals in Kukatpallly. The choice of bioptics is tailored as per individual's requirement, occupation, personality and associated diseases. Consult Best ophthalmologist in banjara hills