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Refractive Surgery in Hyderabad

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis(LASIK as popularly known) is a procedure done by eye refractive surgeon in Hyderabad to eliminate your dependency on glasses. There are many modalities of refractive surgeries. Your eligibility to undergo these procedures is determined by your ophthalmologist in Hyderabad after looking at the following things

  1. Corneal topography: this determines the shape of your cornea
  2. Corneal thickness: this is done to determine if your cornea has sufficient thickness to withstand the laser procedure
  3. Anterior Chamber depth: this parameter is useful to know if a person is eligible for ICL ( implantable collamellar lens)
  4. Peripheral retinal screening: to rule out any retinal weakness before proceeding with refractive procedure.

Based on the results of the above scans, your refractive surgeon in Kukatpally will discuss and suggest you the procedure most suitable for you. Apart from the above scans, Profession of the person, personality and requirements are also considered. Most of the time patient is suitable for all the refractive procedure. In such scenario, best eye specialists in Kukatpally gives the choice to patient to choose the procedure.

Side effects and risks

The exhaustive pre-operative examination and scans are done to minimize the risks if not eliminate them. All of these procedures if done after proper examination and by a eye refractive specialist in Hyderabad are safe. Still it is advised to discuss pros and cons of the procedure with your eye doctors in Kukatpally before proceeding with the treatment at eye hospitals in Hyderabad.