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Eye ICL Surgery in Hyderabad

Eye Implantable Collamellar lens (ICL) surgery in Hyderabad is an excellent choice in people who have very high refractive power and are not suitable for LASER refractive procedures (LASIK/PRK/SMILE). In eye ICL treatment in Kukatpally, a very thin micro lens is implanted inside the eye which corrects your glasses power and thereby eliminating your need to wear glasses. This lens is tailor made to the dimensions of individual eye. The lens is implanted INSIDE your EYE and unlike contact lens cannot be removed or felt.

FAQs of ICL:

  1. Is it a safe procedure? If you are suitable for it and if your eye specialist in Kukatpally has enough experience in performing this procedure, then it is a safe procedure at eye hospitals in Banjara hills.
  2. Do we have to remove the lens daily? NO. this is not a contact lens. This is once in a lifetime procedure.
  3. Do we feel the lens moving inside the eye? NO. the lens is snuggly fit in the ciliary sulcus. It doesn’t move and you don't feel it.
  4. Is this procedure reversible? YES. in rare case scenarios, this lens can be explanted and exchanged
  5. Can I undergo cataract surgery if required later in life? YES. During the cataract surgery, Ophthalmologistin Kukatpally first explants ICL and then proceeds with the routine cataract surgery.
  6. Does the ICL break or dislodge if there is trauma to eye? Minor trauma to eye doesn’t cause any problem with respect to ICL.